There are two main components to a cigar: the tobacco filler inside the cigar, and the wrapper. The tobacco filler can include a variety of tobaccos, and there are a number of different cigar wrap types and colors that contribute to the overall flavor and quality of a cigar.
Connecticut Variety
Grown in Connecticut under very thin sheets of cloth, the Connecticut Valley leaf is light in color and it is a very elastic leaf that makes for a tight wrap of a cigar. In nature, if the leaf was grown in direct sunlight this would produce a very tough wrap, but when grown specifically for the use of cigars (in shade) this makes for a better product.
This is one of the more prized cigar wrap types available. The process of growing this type of leaf is very expensive, as just the right amount of light, moisture and soil is needed. A crisp tobacco compliments the mild flavor of the Connecticut Valley wrap.
Ecuadorian Connecticut Leaf
This wrap is grown in Ecuador and is much thicker and darker in color than the Connecticut Valley variety. This is a more flavorful option if you are someone who likes a creamy and nutty element to your cigar.
A bold tobacco filler is optimal with the Ecuadorian wrap.
Maduro Wrapped
Maduro is not necessarily a wrapper variety. Rather, this means that the wrapper leaf is ripe and matured. The extensive fermentation makes for a specific flavor of wrap and a Maduro wrap is preferred by many.
A variety of tobaccos go well with a Maduro wrapper and this creates a full bodied flavor. Both mild and bold tobaccos can be used.
Most people have a preference when it comes to the type of cigar wrap type that they like. Some people base their preference on their mood for the day. Some days call for a rich and bold cigar, while frequent use may benefit from a milder flavor.
The wrap type will compliment and enhance the tobacco in a cigar, so a variety should not be ignored.